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DIN 3535-6:2011 供气用密封垫.第6部分:气阀,煤气设备和,,DIN 3535-6:2011相似标准. DIN 3535-6:1999 供气用密封垫. 第6部分: 气阀 、 煤气设备和煤气主管道用基于合成纤维 、 石墨或聚四氟乙烯的密封垫材料 ONORM M 7435 Teil.6-1989 天然 气供 应 密合 墊.. 基于气 体 阀 门,燃 气用 具 和 天然 气管道用合成纤维或石墨密 闭填

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Need Help! spindle drive unit alarm EX0451 - CNCzone2021年10月12日  spindle drive unit alarm EX0451. I have a problem with the EX0451 alarm spindle unit (M7435) at MORI SEIKI NL1500SY. The alarm occurs at the start of the operation and the message on the unit is about F3 4C also noticed that the contactor does not work at the beginning to test the unit with the motor. I want help solve this problem.


Mori Seiki NL 2500 Spindle alarms - Practical Machinist2012年4月23日  I am having an issue with spindle drive unit alarm EXO451(M7435) on an NL 2500. The lathe is alarming out approximately every 30 min. The thing I find peculiar is that it mainly occurs during when it finishes the OD or right before it straight grooves. If anyone has any info or ideas I would really appreciate the information.

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